Thilo Billerbeck 83b6b85086 Merge branch 'thilo-fixes-3' into 'master'
prevent from jumping to an end without completing the survey once

See merge request corona-risikoabschaetzungs-app/covidassist!4
2020-03-22 19:25:20 +01:00
HelpPage.vue Merge branch 'thilo-fixes-3' into 'master' 2020-03-22 19:25:20 +01:00
Home.vue Changed width on desktop to absolute value 2020-03-22 19:21:50 +01:00
Questionnaire.vue Changed width on desktop to absolute value 2020-03-22 19:21:50 +01:00
Results.vue Merge branch 'thilo-fixes-3' into 'master' 2020-03-22 19:25:20 +01:00
Warning.vue Changed width on desktop to absolute value 2020-03-22 19:21:50 +01:00